december fotoplay : gallery 2

This is the second set of completed December Fotoplay cards. All the work was created by adults, and all chose to open wide the art-making toolbox, by using collage, paint, and in the case above, a mirror. This wonderful piece was created by Dennis Pinette, a painter who lives in Belfast, Maine.

This masked piece was created by Alana Neumann, a friend who lives in Amsterdam (who loves to travel to Africa).

This collaged card was created by Alexia Domanik, who lives in London. (Who is that handsome man gesturing for us to come hither?)

I’m not sure what to make of this odd card, created by our friend Jonathan. The ambiguity of the balloon form to which the head is attached, the strange sense that the bulging yellow form is somehow powering and sustaining the head which floats above it. And the face above which blithely hovers… watching not only the head, but the world below…

Another collaged mask for a face. This is the work of our friend Peter, a psychologist with a love for the theater. I love the idea of Santa with a mask on…

This piece was created by artist Jeff Russell, who divides his time between New York City and a home in the country in Pennsylvania. Jeff is not a beekeeper. But like a beekeeper, he is a patient and perceptive observer of the world…

This last piece is the work of my dear husband, Alan Fishman. With so many blank December Fotoplay cards stacked on the dining room table, how could he not create at least one?